Saturday, April 23, 2016

Rain Forest Pics (Nice Camera)


And even some oriole nests:


This guy even jumped in our boat:

Cruising around:

Out for a hike:

Around the lodge:

Friday, April 22, 2016

More Machu Picchu pictures -- from the nice camera!

Temple of the Sun, from below:

 An example of the numerous terraces throughout the site:

Temple of the Sun--top of the temple:

The factory/educational area (depending on who you ask) and industrial zone.... and a nice flower foreground!

The main temple below the observatory and next to the temple of the three windows:

Some of the fog we encountered the first part of the morning:

An example of stonework and window shape, made to taper at the top because it is anti-seismic:

The hill upon which the observatory and main temple lie:

This building is part of the agricultural area, and might have stored grain or other agricultural products:

Pretty bird!

Ruins surrounded in fog:

More terrace work:

Butterfly! (mariposa)

The Inca bridge, connecting the Inca trail to the trail to the watchman's house. The bridge is made of wooden logs and if you look close you can see steps jutting out from the side of the wall that people could walk down if the bridge wasn't working.

Stonework near the Inca bridge. It was very steep below--I'm glad I didn't have to build that!

Llamas -- "native" fauna of Machu Picchu!

Some views from the watchman's house:

One of the stairways:

Temple of the tree windows:

Sacred Rock:

Machu Picchu from the SunGate: